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ESTA Junior Tennis Competition

in ESTA,Tennis

Junior Tennis Competition


Eastern Suburbs Tennis Association



Start— SAT 18th October

Semis—SAT 6th December

Finals—SUN 7th December                                                                      Trials for new players entering the competition (those who have not previously been graded) will be held on the 13th September between 10AM & 11AM



$45 per player

Please note: Entries will NOT BE ACCEPTED without payment in full at the time of entry. Current player applications will close on the 14th September.

Applications for those who are not currently playing will only be accepted on 13th September.


- I understand that I must play in the grade the committee place me

- I understand that if I request the committee to find me a suitable partner then I must play with that partner for the duration of the competition

- I understand that if I forfeit (2 times) without reason that I may be suspended from the competition

NAME: __________________________________________

STREET: _________________________________________

SUBURB: _____________________ P/CODE: __________

PHONE #: ___________________/____________________

EMAIL: ___________________________________________

AGE:  ___________  D.O.B _____/_____/______

PARTNER: _________________________ GRADE: ______


Can you play at 12PM:        YES            NO

Phone: 9661 6711

E-mail: [email protected]


441 Bunnerong Rd


NSW 2036


Matraville Sports Centre


For office use only

PAID: $_________


Date: ___________


Receipt Number:________________


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